KillerRONS.COM offers fuel systems for 192 and 250 "Baby Blowers", 6-71 thru 14-71 roots superchargers as well as blow-thru superchargers. We offer the full line of The Blower Shop superchargers as well. At this time we do not offer blow-thru-superchargers.
To see a parts breakdown for the roots-style fuel systems and superchargers click here.
To see information on the "Baby Blowers" click here.
Too see a parts breakdown for a blow-thru system click here.
Please call 812-327-1190 or email info@killerrons.com for a quote tailored to your combination.
James Monroe won the 2013 JEG'S All-Stars with KillerRONS.COM blower fuel system
and TBS 8-71 supercharger running regular 6.40's at over 210 MPH.
The next year Monroe focused on bracket racing a supercharger
and won a track championship wth a 6-71 and single Terminator.
This was a 540" BBC at 5-6psi running 4.50's at 150+ MPH.
In 2019 Monroe went back to a supercharger to work on the program.
This time it was another 6-71 but with a 385" SBC.
Monroe won multiple races during the season running a best of 4.51 at 150+ MPH.
This was with approximately 16 psi of boost.
The supercharger was sold late in the season and the combo
netted a best of 5.37 at 125 MPH.